Sunday, September 25, 2011

Apple Sketch - Step By Step

1. Let's sketch an apple with pastels. Using a Conte Crayon, start out lightly with basic forms to indicate the apple.

2. Use medium blue-gray pastel to deepen the shadows. Loosely sketch in a bit of background. 

3. Introduce some color. Medium green for the apple, and some beige and Conte red in the background.

4. Add some warm red as a transition color between the apple green and natural shadow. Gently merge colors with your finger.

Tip: Don't overblend when using pastel for sketches. You'll want to retain the crisp, fresh look the pastel strokes leave behind.

5. Use more warm red in the apple to unify. Add a crisp, cool highlight to complete your sketch. Be sure to include lost and found edges in your drawing.


Hands are an excellent choice for sketching because they are a readily available model. Simply place your hand on a drawing table and sketch away.

The importance of well drawn hands is evident when executing a ¾ pose portrait. Many hours of sketching and painting hands from life went into the making of "The Ranchero".

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sketching From Life

Sketching or drawing from life is the #1 way to hone your skills. You will see values and detail that are not apparent in photographs. Place inanimate objects in front of you and sketch away. Heck, you might have a lazy uncle that's an inanimate object, so sketch him (ha ha).

Use one light source when sketching at first. This will give you a definite distinction between light and shadow. When you get proficient, you can try multiple sources of light to get interesting effects.

Richard Huante Design & Illustration